What's That Amazing Scent?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

 In the Blossom studio I always have beautiful scents burning - being a firm believer in an holistic approach to creating an inspiring workplace, from exquisitely scented natural wax candles to soy wax melts. I believe that in order to get into the creative state of mind, I need to appeal to all my senses: sight (having a pretty studio and surrounding myself with lovely things), touch (wearing beautiful fabrics with soft carpet under foot), taste (good coffee and chai lattes), sound (music that soothes and inspires and last but definitely not least smell.

This week we have discovered the beautiful Tigerlily range of candles, filling the studio with Jodhi Meares' brand of boho beach chic.

The Tigerlily store at Warringah Mall is an oasis of beach chic (not in the tacky hibiscus/franjipani stickers on the back of the car style), but a casual bohemian look and feel, with stylish Indian and Balinese style prints, stunning fabrics and merchandised in a very personal way. in a sense it feels like we are stepping into a Bondi Beach fashionistas wardrobe.

While the price point isn't over the top, it certainly isn't budget, so to capture the essense of the brand and escape with the budget still intact, the candles, at $39 are a lovely escape.