
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Yummy Typography

Ever since I discovered typography that didn't involve a quill or a brush (being left handed in design school during the early to mid nineties was an absolutely and very messy nightmare) I have been a bit of a trainspotter for new and beautiful typography and typographers (above typeface is available at

I love my ligatures and alternative beginnings and ends, and when I buy a typeface I want it all, the whole family or I don't quite feel complete.

When I design a logo, after I have done my sketches and thumbnails on paper, I will opten go to a font website and play with the letter forms. I know a huge range of typefaces off by heart, but sometimes I might discover a nice letterform, capital or the opposite, certain letters can look weird together. I play with up to hundreds of combinations until I find something that sit well within my "gut" and that I know is to brief and to the client market's taste. Many people are under the misconception that a logotype is simply choosing a typeface and typing the name. Generally speaking I try every possible combination of letters with the brand name, until I find something that will speak to the client. I will even flip the letters to a mirror image to check the spacing and visual appeal upside down and back to front. The letters themselves become an image that has to work with the logo symbol and look cohesive and still be legible, and actually "say" something about the brand.

Below I have listed a few shooting star typefaces (or fonts) that appeal to my obsessively feminine sensibilities. The typefaces below are from