
Friday, November 5, 2010

Dreaming of New Wallpaper

As I sit gazing at the cream walls of my home, I start to fantasize about recreating the room with wallpaper. The trouble is however, being a designer is that I am so fickle and change my mind faster than you can say, well, something really fast. I have been scouring all over the place for wallpaper I like and below is the result:

 Found on

 Found on Graham and Brown

Found at

 Get the look with items below:
Graham and Brown 17583 Feature Wall Curvy WallpaperEasy Instant Decoration Wall Sticker Decal - Spring Flowers and BirdsGraham and Brown 17772 Feature Wall Squares WallpaperGraham and Brown 17153 Elizabeth Wallpaper, Black and WhiteGraham and Brown 17841 Sophia Pebble Wallpaper, BeigeWaverly 5511944 Waverly Damask Wallpaper, Green, 20.5-Inch WideGraham and Brown 17214 Tempting Wallpaper, TurquoiseGraham and Brown 60008 Birdcage Wallpaper, BeigeGraham & Brown Wallpaper - SwirlsGraham and Brown 57182 Palace Wallpaper, CharcoalDecorating with WallpaperWallpaper Design (Agile Rabbit Editions)Cutting Edge of Wallpaper (Interior Design)