
Saturday, March 24, 2012

L'Occitane - Divine Products and Packaging

Fleur Cherie - Fragrance

Angelica skin care

Love this packaging!

Peony range - as worn by Erica the Wonder Assistant

Very Precious Serum, as worn and loved by Diane

Swwt Cherry Temptations - lovely packaging design

The classical L'Occitane Image

As well as being beautiful these products are amazing for the skin

Even the most tiny details are addressed on the packaging

Love the Dixie Cup look for this packaging

Vintage elegance - fragrance packaging.
Here are Blossom we love "L'Occitane. We burn the lavender candle for a stress-free studio, Erica wears the plum blossom fragrance, Di swears by Creme Divine and Very Precious Serum. As far as being total packaging obessives, we collect everything from this range.